I am an instrumentalist on the mountain dulcimer who has been learning, playing, composing and teaching since 1983.
This website contains infomation about my music, recordings, books, some of my other interests, as well as an educational section.
Come in, look around, relax and enjoy yourself.
You may reach me at the following address:
Steven K. Smith
PO Box 1013
Newark, OH USA 43058
or by email:
[email protected]

A brief biography
Ordering information
The Virtual Classroom
that I offer for clubs and festivals.
Questions and Answers
A selection of questions that readers have posed to me, with my answers to them.
Other topics.
( Poetry | Esperanto |
Backpacking | Renaissance Festivals )
FREE SHIPPING on all orders, and
Buy online with PayPal
Use your credit card for purchases through
the secure PayPal system.
see the Books and Recordings pages to order.

My new novel, The Dancer and the Pirate, is now live on Amazon in ebook and paperback. Here’s a link: https://www.amazon.com/Dancer-Pirate-Steven-Kenneth-Smith-ebook/dp/B0C7PCBFJ2/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1BQ1AJ7WU4MW7&keywords=The+Dancer+and+the+Pirate&qid=1689727540&s=digital-text&sprefix=the+dancer+and+the+pirate%2Cdigital-text%2C119&sr=1-1
It’s a gay MM romance that touches on issues of Alcoholism and homelessness. Here’s the back cover blurb:
Allen has been playing the field for years in the gay bar scene and hookup apps with no commitments intended, but when he meets Larry at the Renaissance Festival where they both work, the sparks seem hotter than usual. An age difference between them complicates their budding relationship, however, as well as Larry’s mother’s alcoholism. And the fact that Allen is a heavy drinker himself.
My novel, The Great Disruption, is now available on Amazon in both ebook format and as a paperback. Here’s a link: https://www.amazon.com/Great-Disruption-Earth-Rebirth-book-ebook/dp/B089W7W5Y5
It’s a post-apocalyptic science fiction novel set in the aftermath of a world-wide plague. Check it out, and feel free to spread the word. Here’s the back cover blurb:
More than 99.99% of the population died in a plague. A chance viral mutation? A biological weapon? No one left alive knew for sure. But for a couple of years before the plague society had been torn apart by some mysterious pervasive illness that killed 80% of all boys before their first birthday, though girls were immune. Many suspected a rogue government actor was responsible.
Those who gathered to riot spread the plague and died. A few people hid from the rest of society and survived. Now they have to find each other and rebuild civilization. They also have to agree upon what kind of civilization to rebuild.
I have a new WordPress article up, “Random Acts of Beauty”
see it at www.sksmithwriter.com
One of my poems was selected for an anthology of poems Titled:
Our Last Walk: Using Poetry for Grieving and Remembering Our Pets
from University Professor’s Press and is now available from Amazon and Barnes and Noble
The poem’s title is “After Sixteen Years”
Steve’s flash fiction piece, “Loops” is now available on the online/print journal
“Children, Churches, and Daddies” (http://scars.tv/ccd )
It’s in the Sept/Oct Issue, #265
Steve’s flash fiction piece, “Night” is now available on the online/print journal
“Children, Churches, and Daddies” ( http://scars.tv/ccd )
It’s in the June 2016 issue.
Check out Steve’s WordPress Blog, www.sksmithwriter.com.
I have a YouTube Video posted! Check it out at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3E7jI8N0oJg
It’s me playing a sixteenth century lute tune called “My Lord Wiloughby’s Welcome Home.”
I hope you enjoy it.
I’m on Facebook! Login HERE to check it out.
Shaker’s Fancy is now available on iTunes!
I hope you got a chance to enjoy the Ohio Renaissance Festival this year
Hopefully I’ll be back at the fair next year as a wandering minstrel.
Come to see Queen Bess and her court, thrill to the knights’ skill on
the jousting field, and be entertained by numerous jesters and thespians.
Or just come to see me run around in tights playing music while talking funny.
More information on the Ohio Renaissance Festival is HERE.
Under the Dogwoods and Elizabeth’s Dream are now available on iTunes!
Steve’s recordings are available on CDBaby, in addition to this site.
This should make shopping more convienent for those wanting to buy from multiple artists.
Click on the title below to go directly to the CDBaby page for the recording:
Dandelions & Tulips Shaker’s Fancy Elizabeth’s Dream Under the Dogwoods
Steve’s webmaster and son Brandon has started up a computer/networking business in Newark OH. If you are in this area and need computer services, network setup, virus repair, or training, check out Quality Network Consulting.
Last Update: 27 Dec. 2018
These pages and their contents are copyright 1997, through 2018 by Steven K. Smith

I want to acknowledge the great work of my son,
Brandon Smith, who, as web master of this site,
allows me to concentrate on the creative aspects of the site,
while he makes sure everything works.
Thanks, Brandon, I’d be lost without you.